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Course: Introduction To Digital Photography
Date: Saturday May 31st
Time: 9.30am - 4pm
Location: Brookfield Showgrounds
Max Attendees 12
Cost $165
This course is designed to introduce you to the concepts of ISO, aperture and shutter speed, how they relate to each other, the effects they have on your image and how you can use them to unlock the full potential of your camera and your imagination to truly launch you on your photographic journey.
Training with internationally awarded professional photographer Andrew Jarvie and backed by his 26 years of professional experience, you will receive a balance of theory and 'hands-on' shooting with a strong emphasis on camera handling.
The end goal of the course is to demystify shooting on manual and give you a simple three step mindset to help you decide the best camera settings for any situation.
Ideally course participants will have their own digital SLR or high end compact with manual setting capability. Participants must also bring their camera instruction manual with them.
All attendees are invited to join a rapidly growing online community to receive ongoing support and training, share ideas and concepts and take part in fun challenges to encourage them to keep their creative juices flowing.
During the one day session you will learn:
How and when to use the auto settings of your camera
The difference between shooting Raw and Jpg
How to expose an image correctly
White Balance - what it is and how to use it
The relationship between iso, shutter speed and aperture and how to select them.
How to use shutter speed and Aperture to take full creative control over the aesthetics of your image
Basic composition How to quickly decide on your camera settings in any situation

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